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Source: Thinkstock A recent report indicates that Google is planning to offer its own wireless service, p To continue the absolute onslaught of new Android phones, T-Mobile has announced the LG Optimus T, their latest "with Google" phone. Details are a little sparse, but it's sporting a 3.2 MP autofocus camera, comes with a two GB microSD card The smartphone revolution has bred a new type of savvy purchaser that responds to mobile advertising, Google says in a new survey. By Keir Thomas, PCWorld | Smart tech advice for your small business Today's Best Tech Deals Picked by PCWorld Speaking to investors, Google executives described the company's high hopes for the mobile market. By Nancy Gohring IDG News Service | Today's Best Tech Deals Picked by PCWorld's Editors Top Deals On Great Products Picked by Techconnect's E Google today announced a deeper integration between Gmail on mobile and its Meet video conferencing service. Now, if you use Gmail on Android or iOS and somebody sends you a link to a Meet event, you can join the meeting right from your inb The Rammus is possibly Google's next device launch in the laptop-tablet realm. And no, it's not running Chrome OS (Pocket-lint) - The Rammus is possibly Google's next device launch in the laptop-tablet realm. And no, it's not running Chr iPhone/iPod touch only: Google's first offering in the iPhone App Store comes in the form of Google Mobile, an application that integrates your local contacts and the web for seamless searching between the two.
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By Nancy Gohring IDG News Service | Today's Best Tech Deals Picked by PCWorld's Editors Top Deals On Great Products Picked by Techconnect's E Google today announced a deeper integration between Gmail on mobile and its Meet video conferencing service. Now, if you use Gmail on Android or iOS and somebody sends you a link to a Meet event, you can join the meeting right from your inb The Rammus is possibly Google's next device launch in the laptop-tablet realm. And no, it's not running Chrome OS (Pocket-lint) - The Rammus is possibly Google's next device launch in the laptop-tablet realm.
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